Drunk driver arrested after running into a power pole

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2022 | DWI |

A Minnesota man is facing significant criminal penalties after a recent drunk driving arrest. At the time he was taken into police custody, his blood alcohol content registered at more than three times the legal limit. Reportedly, he was also driving on a revoked license, and he apparently hit a power pole just before he was arrested. The driver is currently facing charges of two counts of second-degree DWI. He is also charged with a misdemeanor offense of driving after a revocation. 

An alcohol-related car accident 

The defendant was behind the wheel of a vehicle that hit a power pole just off the road near Blakely. When police arrived at the scene of the accident, they reported that the driver showed signs of possible intoxication. The criminal complaint states that the driver had bloodshot eyes, and police noticed the smell of alcohol.  

Allegedly, the driver did not pass a series of sobriety tests conducted at the crash scene. Police say they then administered a breath test, and the results showed that the driver had a BAC of .24. This is three times the legal limit to drive in the state. 

What is next for the accused? 

This Minnesota defendant would be wise to take steps to learn about his defense options and seek an understanding of how he can fight for the best possible outcome to his specific situation. Due to his criminal history, the stakes are particularly high. With previous DWI convictions on his record, it is especially important to have the assistance and guidance of an experienced drunk driving defense attorney. 



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