Driver who hit school bus sentenced after entering plea

On Behalf of | Apr 22, 2022 | DWI |

In Minnesota, the penalties associated with drunk driving are steep. A conviction for driving while intoxicated could result in consequences that may include loss of driving privileges, time behind bars, steep fines and more. Depending on the nature of the individual situation and the details of the DWI case, it may be prudent for a driver to plead guilty. Recently, a driver was sentenced after she pleaded guilty to drunk driving after an accident in which she struck a school bus.

Details of her sentencing

At the end of last year, the driver struck a school bus while operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. As part of the plea deal arrangement, she entered a petition that admitted she consumed alcohol before the accident. At the time of the crash, a breath test found that her blood alcohol content was .35%.

The penalties she will face include a jail sentence of 30 days, but she will receive credit for three days already served. For a second-degree DWI she will also have to pay fines amounting to $585. Some of her jail sentence will be completed through a community service program called Sentence to Serve.

When is a guilty plea best?

For this specific situation, the Minnesota driver was likely able to secure a more favorable outcome by entering a guilty plea. The ideal way to confront a DWI depends on the details of the driver’s individual situation, including his or her criminal record. An assessment of the individual situation will reveal the most effective and prudent way forward.



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