A man was arrested for DWI in Stearns County twice within a 24 hour period. In fact, he was arrested twice in 21 hours.
Sheriff’s deputies say that the 20-year-old male was arrested at 3:30 a.m. in the Waite Park area after a routine traffic stop for speeding. It was found that he was intoxicated. He was released from custody at 7 a.m. and then arrested again 17 hours later after a complaint was lodged with police that he was driving erratically.
This has been cited as one of those stories that you cannot make up.
Samuel William Ness was going 66 mph in a 40 mph zone when he was arrested the first time. The complaint on Ness’s driving that was received by officers 17 hours later was from an individual in the area of Morning Glory Avenue and 15th Street South. When Ness was arrested, he once again found himself back in the Stearns jail for investigation.
That same night, a woman was called to pick up her husband from the jail after he was arrested for DUI. It turns out, she was also intoxicated. Officers had her perform a series of field sobriety tests and she failed them all, including a breath test.
It is required that those picking up inmates who have been released to be sober themselves. Now, Dale Allen Bidinger, 52, and Carol Bidinger, 52, are both facing charges of DUI.
John Sanner, the Stearns County Sheriff said that it is quite unusual for a person to be arrested twice in less than 24 hours for DWI, but it is not unusual for a person who is supposed to be sober when they pick up a released inmate to be intoxicated and arrested for drunk driving at the station.