Man faces DWI charges after winter crash

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2020 | DWI |

At this time of year, many in Minnesota are grateful to see the end of winter and look forward to warmer weather. However, they may still have to deal with the aftermath of a harsh winter, such as potholes in the road, damage to their homes and even health issues. At least one man is now facing DWI charges after a winter accident that resulted in the death of another driver.

The weather conditions were dangerous on the evening when the 57-year-old man left the restaurant where he had finished having dinner with a friend. Police reports indicate that the man admitted to drinking three beers at dinner before getting into his pickup truck and heading home around 8 p.m. It was windy and snowing, and the roads were icy when the man hit a slick spot and lost control of his vehicle. His truck crossed into the opposite lane and struck another vehicle head on, killing the 67-year-old driver.

Police reports indicate the man’s blood alcohol concentration was .10, which is over the legal limit of .08. Investigators also concluded that the man was apparently driving too fast for the icy conditions. He is now facing charges of criminal vehicular homicide.

A conviction for this felony charge may result in an extensive prison sentence, many thousands of dollars in fines and other serious consequences. Anyone facing this or other DWI charges knows that the future is uncertain. Having a skilled Minnesota attorney to fight for them may improve their chances of avoiding the most serious penalties.



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