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Inaccurate chemical tests can be harmful for all drivers

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2019 | DUI

Drivers coming home from the bar often panic when they see red and blue lights flashing in their rearview mirror. However, some state officials are starting to question the validity and accuracy of Breathalyzer tests in assessing if someone is above the legal limit.

According to a recent report, a Minnesota judge ruled in 2018 that many of the states BAC testing machines were giving officers inaccurate results, pushing some DUI defendants over the legal limit. Other states have had similar issues. In a New York Times investigation, reporters found that nearly every police station in the U.S. had Breathalyzers that generated inaccurate results.

Why these tests may yield inaccurate outcomes

As Breathalyzers are often finicky and sensitive machines, their accuracy can quickly get knocked off balance for various reasons. Whether the officer didn’t calibrate the device properly or it has software bugs, these factors can cause concern for anyone who gets pulled over. In some cities, lab officials have used home-brewed and other chemical alternatives that threw off the results.

Some officials say chemical tests shouldn’t assume guilt

Veteran officers in many states have said chemical tests should not determine immediate guilt for those facing a DUI charge. That’s because the consequences are often harsh for those who are wrongly convicted, as some may not know the test they took was faulty.

Unfortunately, chemical tests get enforced in many places in America and if motorists refuse to comply, they can often face harsh punishments.

Those charged deserve a fair chance

While the debate continues over whether Breathalyzers can accurately determine guilt, being convicted of a DUI in Minnesota can cause individuals severe social and financial adversity. Those charged with a DUI may want to seek legal counsel. A dedicated criminal defense attorney could be the difference between a clean record and a conviction.

