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5 Ways to Avoid a DUI on Super Bowl Weekend

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2018 | DUI, DWI

As fans across Minnesota look forward to the “Greatest Show on Earth” rocking up in the form of Super Bowl LII thoughts will no doubt turn to parties and, of course, tailgating. With this year’s NFL showpiece being held at the U.S. Bank Stadium on February 4, it’s more than likely that thousands of people from across Minnesota will head to the stadium to party with friends while those not fortunate to be there head to join friends and family across the state. But it’s a known fact that Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest days when it comes to DUIs throughout the country and Minnesota is no exception, especially with the big event on our doorstep. So here are a few tips to ensure you don’t fall foul of a DUI or DWI this Super Bowl weekend

1. Conduct a Thorough Vehicle Check

Police officers are more likely to be attracted to you and your car if there is some kind of fault with it, so be sure to thoroughly inspect your vehicle before you head for the game to ensure all of your lights are in perfect working order, including signal lights.

2. Have Plenty of Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Hand

Obviously, drinking and driving is not the sensible option but when we are surrounded by alcohol it can be all-too-easy to give in to temptation. So make sure there are plenty of alcohol-free options for you or your designated driver to ensure they’re not reaching for a beer by the third quarter.

3. Designate a Driver

Make sure you agree to nominate someone who will refrain from drinking alcohol before or after the game so that they can do the driving safely and legally. And make sure you elect carefully as the designated driver should be prepared to NOT drink anything alcoholic for the whole day to ensure they do not receive a DUI

4. Be Careful with your Coolers

Although you or your designated driver may not have had a drink the entire day you don’t want to give the impression of over-exuberance and in the unfortunate event that you are stopped, you might be pressured to open your cooler for inspection. So make sure it is not overly full of alcohol which might appear to be an excessive amount and also try and dispose of any empty bottles and cans you might have consumed so as not to highlight just how much you might have already had.

5. Drive Normally

This might sound obvious but Law enforcement officers are taught to look for certain ‘visual cues’ on the roadways that supposedly indicate impaired driving such as driving too slowly, weaving in and out of lanes and abrupt stops. So being responsible and understanding what police look for goes a long way toward preventing a DUI or DWI during one of the biggest parties of the year.

Drunk driving charges are serious, and can have a huge impact on your life. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, contact an experienced DUI attorney today by calling 612-497-1217.

