State Representative Tom Huntley has released a statement that he was arrested early in February on suspicion of driving while drunk and he intends on pleading guilty to the charge.
Huntley admitted to being arrested on February 2, according to the Duluth News Tribune.
Huntley says he was driving on Highway 6 in the Deerwood area when he was pulled over for speeding. He said he was driving less than 10 miles over the speed limit. Huntley states that the state trooper performed a breathalyzer that showed his blood alcohol concentration of being .083 percent, which is slightly over Minnesota’s legal limit of .08.
Huntley says that he will not fight the charge. The Minnesota State Patrol has acknowledged the reason for his arrest. This acknowledgment was made without the breathalyzer results being available or knowledge of what speed Huntley was traveling when he was pulled over. A Crow Wing County Jail officer did confirm that Huntley was taken to the jail and released that day around 11 p.m.
Huntley received a speed warning, but he did not receive a ticket. He said he had drinks during lunch while at his cabin.
Huntley is a former University of Minnesota-Duluth faculty member and a longtime state rep. He also serves on the Human Services Policy Committee and is chairman of the House Health and Human Services Finance Committee. He has issued an apology to his constituents for his offense.
The only other legal issue that Huntley has had was a 2007 speeding violation. He was fined $117 and convicted of a petty misdemeanor.
For this charge and because he is pleading guilty to a first-time DWI, Huntley is facing 30 days of suspended driving privileges, fines, and drunk driving classes. He will also have to attend a Mothers Against Drunk Driving Panel.
The experienced Minnesota DWI defense lawyers at Meaney & Patrin can help you in this difficult time. No matter what degree of DWI or DUI you are charged with, a criminal defense attorney can develop a strategy for defense that will ultimately lead to the most favorable outcome possible for your individual case. Call us today at 612-497-1217.